Thursday, February 26, 2009

Salty Mud to Pure Bliss

Sirisha shared some Guru tidbits with me today from a knowledge sheet; thought of putting it here, you will definitely enjoy this one. Knowledge from the Master as simple as it could be!

Guruji was walking along the beach with some devotees and there was a huge desalination plant (changes salt water to fresh water) costing millions of dollars. Nearby was a coconut tree. Guruji looked and pointed out - that the tree is a natural desalination plant.

It takes the salt water from the earth and makes the fresh water inside the coconut. The knowledge is like the tree -- it takes us from salty mud to the pure bliss.

Well Guruji Himself is like the tree makes you pure, even if you just come in His proximity! Rest is all your experience :-)


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