Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Vote For Change

Read this on Bawa's blog:

1 comment:

  1. Is it really that simple ? vote for change????? Well, NO

    It is like this. I do not concede that everyone in this country has the country's best interest implicit in their decisions. Even if they do, they do not have the numbers on their side to make any sort of difference. I am not being skeptical, I am being realistic. And if the reality seems grim, well, that is just the way it is. You cannot cause a real difference just by sitting at home, reading about policies and going and casting your 'INFORMED VOTE' on the day. What matters is to convince others about your ideas and gain acceptance within them first, then get a majority of people to vote on the issue you want to address and then bring about the required change. Imagine an election within an election. We can find a lot of people in this country who may have the heart, but neither the mind nor the voice to bring about a positive change in the way things work. And each of these people have to first win millions of elections within the election. And only then can their opinions find true volume.

    So if you think why you should vote, well, it is not to exercise your right or to bring about CHANGE.It is either to be the whisper which works towards being the voice that eventually brings about the change or to be a mere bait in the whole process. Because unless you strive to take part in and win the small elections within the election, you will NEVER WIN in democracy. You will only receive a self-flattering "participation certificate."
